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地址:重庆市北碚区天生路2号 西南大学经济管理学院


重庆渝中区人,农业经济学博士,西南大学经济管理学院副教授,农村农业部规划设计院外聘专家,亚利桑那大学客座副研究员,美国农业部森林局(USDA Forest Services)客座副研究员。曾经在担任亚利桑那大学自然资源与环境学院担任博士后。主要研究方向包括行为经济学,实验经济学,农业与环境生态经济学,和应用计量经济学。近5年,以第一作者在《Agricultural Economics》, 《Agricultural Systems》《Ecosystem Services》, 《Journal of Choice Modelling》, 《Journal of Stored Products Research》, 《Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics》等SSCI和SCI刊物发表学术论文多篇。其研究成果被美国国会《两党基础设施法》,美国农业部森林局《野火危机战略实施计划》,和《中国农业农村部2023年度冷链行业运行报告》采纳。


AAEA年会文章摘要评委,Journal of Rural Studies,Energy Economics,Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics,Review of Development Economics,Environment, Development and Sustainability,Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association,Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics,Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice,Ecosystem Health and Sustainability,Trees, Forests, & People等期刊匿名审稿人。


• 美国俄克拉荷马州立大学, 博士 (农业经济学, 专业世界排名21(IDEAS, 2024))  2018-2021

• 美国俄克拉荷马州立大学, 硕士 (农业经济学) 2015-2017

• 海南大学, 本科 (植物保护)    2010-2014


Cheng, H., Lambert, M.D., DeLong, L.K., and Jensen, L.K., (2021). Inattention, Availability Bias, and Attribute Premium Estimation for A Biobased Product. Agricultural Economics. (SSCI  JCR一区,一作)

Cheng, H., Feuz, R., and Lambert, M.D, (2023) A Comparison between Marginal and Rank Methods for Best - Worst Scaling. Applied Economics Letters (SSCI JCR 三区,一作,通讯)

Cheng, H., Zhang, T., Lambert, M.D, and Feuz, R., (2023). An Empirical Comparison of Conjoint and Best-Worst Scaling Case III Methods. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics(SSCI JCR 二区,一作,通讯)

Feng, X, Swann, A,L,S., Breshears, D.D., Baldwin E., Cheng, H., Debridge J.J., Fei, C., Lien, A. M., H.,López-Hoffman L., McCarl B.A, Mclaughlin, D., and Soto J.R., (2023) The Spatial Structure and Strength of Ecoclimate Teleconnections Driven by Tree Die-off: Patterns and Exceptions. Environmental Research Letters (SCI JCR 一区)

Cheng, H., Zhou, X., Sun, J., Ng’ombe, J., Mzyece, A., Feng, W., Zhang M., and Liu, B., (2024) Assessing the Efficacy of Agricultural Cold Chain Facility Expansion in China. Journal of Stored Products Research (SCI JCR 一区,一作)

Feuz, R., Feuz, D., Thornton, K.J., Martini, S., Lidgard, A., Crump, Z., Martini, S., Cheng, H., and Stafford, C., and Matarneh, S., (2024) Cattle Are What They Eat? A Consumer Analysis of Beef Produced from Barley Fodder-Fed Cattle Compared with a Conventional Mixed Ration. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics

Cheng, H., Ng’ombe, J., and Lambert, M.D., A Bayesian Generalized Rank Ordered Logit Model. (2024) Journal of Choice Modelling (SSCI JCR 一区,一作,通讯)

Cheng, H., Escobedo, F., Thomas, S.A., Reyes, F.D.LJ., and Soto, J.R Comparing Individual and Collective Valuation of Ecosystem Service Tradeoffs: A Case Study from Montane Forests in Southern California, USA. (2024) Ecosystem Services (SCI JCR 一区,一作,通讯)

Cheng, H., Ng’ombe, J., Choi, Y., Kalinda T.H., and Zheng, S., Collective Action for Rural Progress: Understanding the Drivers of Smallholder Dairy Cooperative Participation in Rural Zambia(Forthcoming) (Agricultural System, SCI JCR 一区,一作)