近日,我院陈肖雄博士及郑州大学硕士研究生穆靖昊、中山大学刘贯春教授、广东外语外贸大学刘媛媛副教授合作撰写的论文“Bank liability structure and corporate employment: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China”在期刊International Review of Financial Analysis在线发表。International Review of Financial Analysis是财政与金融领域的高质量学术期刊,同时位于经济学大类、商业领域、财政与金融领域Q1区(亦是中科院期刊分区一区),最新影响因子7.5。
Chen, X., Mu, J., Liu, G., and Liu, Y. (2024). Bank liability structure and corporate employment: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China. International Review of Financial Analysis, 95, 103366.

We examine how bank liability structure affects firms’ hiring decisions. To identify causality, we utilize the 2014 interbank borrowing reform that has different impacts on national and regional banks as an exogenous shock. Particularly, we construct the exposure of firms to this reform and then run a difference-in-differences regression. The results show that an increase in banks’ deposit funds promotes corporate employment, and the number of total employees on average increases by 4.4%. Further mechanism tests find that banks provide more loans and firms obtain more access to bank credit, confirming the credit constraints channel. Moreover, the corporate employment promotion effect is stronger when financial constraints, information disclosure quality and labor intensity are higher. In addition, firms’ employee composition and average wage paid to workers do not change, while their productivity and production scale increase. Overall, our evidence highlights the active role of regulating banks’ interbank borrowing in stabilizing social employment.