李洁 讲师
2010.9-2014.2 安特卫普大学 金融专业博士,获得欧盟全额奖学金;
2007.9-2009.12 重庆大学 金融专业硕士,获得国家全额奖学金、优秀毕业生;
2003.9-2007.6 重庆大学 金融专业本科,多次荣获校综合奖学金。
熟练使用STATA计量软件 英文可为工作语言
1.Jie Li (2013).CEO Remuneration and Risk-taking: Evidence from U.S. Commercial Banks. Antwerpen: Antwerpen University Press(ISBN: 9789089940919);
2.李洁, 严太华。我国商业银行高管薪酬与综合绩效关系的实证分析——基于沪深两市上市商业银行的数据 [J]。上海金融(CSSCI核心), 2009, 06: 76-79。
1.Jie Li,Annaert Jan, Blommaert Jos and Ceuster Marc, 2013. CEO Remuneration, Risk-Shifting and Risk Compensation at U.S.Commercial Banks. Corporate Governance: An International Review(SSCI), Under Revision;
2.Jie Li, Annaert Jan, Blommaert Jos and Ceuster Marc, 2014. Equity-based Compensation Incentives, CEO Optimism and Default Risk at U.S. Commercial Banks. Journal of Financial Stability (SSCI), Under Review;
3.Jie Li, Annaert Jan, Blommaert Jos and Ceuster Marc, 2013. CEO Compensation at U.S. Commercial Banks: Some Facts and Figures. Working Paper;
4.Ceuster Marc, Hairui Zhang and Jie Li, 2012. Did Federal Funds Target Rate Changes Affect the Market Value of InsuranceCompanies? Working Paper.
1.2012.6 CEO Compensation and Risk-Shifting in the U.S. Banking Industry, FMA European Conference, Istanbul, Turkey;
2.2013.6 CEO Remuneration, Risk Compensation and Risk-Shifting in the U.S. Banking Industry, 5th International IFABS(International Finance and Banking Society) Conference, Nottingham;
3.2013.7 CEO incentives, CEO Optimism and Default Risk in the U.S. Banking Industry, World Finance Conference, Cyprus.
2008.8-2009.4 深圳创新投资集团(国内最大VC)重庆分公司 项目经理助理;
2006.7-2006.8 重庆高新区产权交易所创新服务中心 项目经理助理;
2006.8-2006.9 广西柳工机械股份有限公司 固定资产投融资项目管理培训助理;
2003.12-2004.2国泰君安证券公司重庆民族路营业部 基金销售助理。
地址:重庆 西南大学经济管理学院 400715